About the Journal

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIETY REVIEWS (INJOSER) is published once a month triannually and serves as a peer-reviewed journal specializing in field research and literature review related to Humanities and Social Science. Its aim is to offer readers a better understanding of Humanities and Social Science and to present progress through the publication of research articles and reports, which include field studies and literature reviews. This journal invites scholars and experts working in all disciplines. Articles must be original, based on field research and literature, have never been published before, and are not being considered for publication in other journals. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the Editor, editorial board, and blind reviewers. Submissions that violate our format or length guidelines will be rejected without review.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIETY REVIEWS (INJOSER) is a scientific journal that publishes articles in the fields of humanity, social science. Humanities include: Language and Linguistics, History, Literature, Performing Arts, Philosophy, Religion, Fine Arts. Social Science fields of Science include: Economics, politics, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Geography, Cultural and Ethical Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Area Studies, Archeology, and other related fields

Editor in Chief  : Assoc.Prof. Dr. Aslan, M.Pd. I
ISSN : 3030-802X (Online)
Google, Garuda, ICI Copernicus
Publication Frequently 
: a Mountly
Publisher : Adisam Publisher
Contact Person : +62 852-4526-8806

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2025): FEBRUARY
Published: 2025-01-30


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